With the rat population on the rise in the Toronto and GTA areas, it’s more important than ever to take preventative measures against these pests. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of exterior rodent control in Toronto and how to keep your home and yard rat-free. Read on to learn what steps you can take to protect your property from rats!
Understanding Rats in the Toronto and GTA Area
Rats are one of the most common pests in Toronto and throughout the GTA. They can be found in all types of buildings, from homes to businesses, and are a major nuisance. Rats are known to carry diseases, so it is important to control them. There are two main types of rats in Toronto: Norway Rats and Roof Rats.
Norway rats are the larger of the two species and can weigh up to 500 grams. They are brown or grey in colour with a long body and short legs. Norway rats typically live in burrows outdoors, but will also nest indoors if given the opportunity. These rats are good swimmers and climbers, so they can access your home through sewer lines, holes in walls or floors, or gaps around doors and windows.
Roof rats are smaller than Norway rats, weighing up to 350 grams. They have a similar body shape but their fur is black or dark brown. Roof rats are excellent climbers and often nest in high places such as attics, trees, or on top of roofs. They can also enter homes through holes or gaps around doors and windows.
If you suspect you have a rat problem, it is important to call TruTech Pest And Wildlife Control right away. We will dispatch a qualified pest control technician that will be able to identify the type of rat and recommend the best course of action.
Signs of a Rat Infestation
There are a few signs that indicate you may have a rat infestation:
- Seeing rats during the daytime: Rats are nocturnal animals, so if you see one during the day, it is likely there are more nearby.
- Hearing rat sounds: Rat sounds include squeaking, gnawing, and scurrying noises. If you hear these sounds coming from your walls or floors, it is likely you have rats in your home.
- Finding rat droppings: Rat droppings are small and black, with an average size of about 1/2 inch. If you find rat droppings in your home or yard, it is likely you have an infestation.
- Seeing evidence of gnawed food: If you find food that has been gnawed on by rodents, it is likely rats are present. Rats like to eat cereal, nuts, and meat, so look for evidence of these foods being chewed on in your pantry or fridge.
- Discovering nests: Rat nests are usually found in dark, quiet places like attics or basements. If you find a nest made out of shredded paper or fabric, it could be an indication of rats.
If you have rats in your home or yard, it is important to take action to remove them. Rats can cause significant damage to property and pose a health risk to humans and pets.
Prevention Strategies for Rats
There are a few key things you can do to prevent rats from taking up residence in your home or yard:
- Seal up any cracks or holes on the exterior of your home, including entry points for utilities.
- Keep your yard clean and free of debris, including piled up wood or junk.
- Trim back trees and bushes so they don’t touch your house.
- Eliminate sources of food and water, such as open garbage cans or pet food left outside.
If you have a rat problem in your neighbourhood, work as a team with your neighbours to
control it.
Exterior Rodent Control | Rats
If you’re dealing with rats on your property, the first step is to find and seal up any holes or cracks that they could be using to get into your home. This is especially important if you live in an older home, as rats can squeeze through surprisingly small openings. Once you’ve sealed up all potential entry points, you can set out rat traps baited with food or water to catch any rats that are already on your property.
You should also take steps to control the rat population in your neighbourhood, as this will make it less likely for rats to move onto your property in the first place. Start by removing any sources of food and water that might attract them, such as spilled birdseed or pet food left outdoors. You can also talk to your neighbours about taking similar measures on their properties.
Ongoing Rodent Control | Rats
Rats are creatures of habit, if they find a food source or shelter in your home or yard, they’ll keep coming back for more. That’s why it’s important to take proactive steps to prevent rats from taking up residence in the first place.
One effective way to keep rats away is to start a regular program that uses bait stations to attract and eliminate rats already around your home. Once the local population is eliminated, we can continue to control with a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual package.
We can help you identify the best course of action to protect your family and your home.
Safe Removal of Dead Rats
If you have found a dead rat on your property, it is important to safely remove it to prevent the spread of disease. Here are some tips for safe removal:
- Wear gloves: Gloves will protect you from contact with the rat and any diseases it may be carrying.
- Use a shovel or similar tool: Do not pick up the rat with your hands. Use a shovel or other tool to place it in a bag.
- Dispose of the rat properly: Place the bagged rat in a garbage can with a lid or in another sealed container. If possible, double bag the rat for extra protection.
Rat control in Toronto and GTA is an important step to keeping your home and yard free from rats. It is essential that you take the necessary steps to identify potential entry points, seal off any possible access routes and TruTech Pest And Wildlife Control when needed. By doing these simple steps, you can help ensure that your property remains pest-free for many years to come!